Europe and the Middle East
28.09.2012 · C·A·P
After decades of political, economic and social stagnation, a new dynamic of transition characterizes the Middle East region. In this regard, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the stabilization of Iraq, the Iranian nuclear program, the establishment of collective-security structures in the Gulf region and the support for the newly democratizing countries in the region are paramount challenges. The stabilization of this adjacent area is not only in Europe's interest, but also constitutes a crucial contribution to world peace. The increasing strategic relevance of the Middle East is well documented by a growing number of European initiatives, including:
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED) - Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
The EU's Role in the Middle East Peace Process (Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Middle East Quartet)
The signing of a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (as of 2007)
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED) is the most comprehensive and far-reaching policy the EU has developed with neighbouring countries in the Mediterranean area, with the declared long-term goal of step by step establishing an area of regional security and free trade. However, nearly twenty years after the 1995 Barcelona Declaration, an assessment of what has been achieved so far is disappointing. Although the EUROMED was never envisaged as a short-term solution for the multitude of problems in the area, its results have clearly failed to meet the expectations. The EUROMED is complemented by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) developed in 2004. Its predominant bilateral approach reflects in a sense the failure of the multilateral Barcelona design. Its objective is to establish a ring of prosperous, stable and secure neighbouring countries around the EU. The ENP promises to go beyond existing relationships by offering a deeper political and economic relationship, based on bilateral action plans. These action plans, which a number of partner countries have already concluded with the EU, list a large number of cooperation activities including short and medium-term measures. However, it remains to be seen whether the EU will be able to offer clear incentives to stimulate the implementation of the programs in the neighbouring countries. Against this backdrop, the project "EU and the Middle East" identifies seven key challenges the EU-Middle Eastern relations are facing today:
1. Transition of Arab States
Sustainable economic and political reforms in the Arab world are the keys to stability and peace in the Middle East. In the last two decades, a number of Arab states have opened up economically. However, these reforms did not have the expected overall impact on the ground. In fact, even though economic reforms were introduced in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria, they were not able to prevent popular uprisings against the regime and the collapse of the regimes in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
2. Escalation of conflicts and the impact of state failure
In Syria, the violent crackdown of the Assad-regime on initially peaceful protests has led to an ever more escalating conflict and put the country on the verge of a civil war. In Yemen, armed tribes and secession movement as well as al-Qaida affiliated groups challenge the already weak central government. Countries like Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories seem too weak to tackle the challenges of poverty, regional and sectarian conflicts, and terrorism. Even an erosion of power in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya seems possible as radical groups have the potential to destabilize especially the newly democratizing countries.
3. Political Islam and the emergence of new political systems
Globalization poses enormous challenges to every society. The peoples of the Middle East region strive to be more substantially involved in the political and economic development of their respective countries. In a lot of riparian states of the Mediterranean Sea Islamic movements are the most organized and successful political alternatives to the present regimes, or currently won the majority of votes in the first democratic elections, such as in Egypt and Tunisia.
4. The blocking potential of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The ongoing confrontation between Israel on the one hand and Palestine, the Arab world and Iran on the other hand continues to be a pivotal impediment to development towards stability and peace in the Middle East.
5. A new armament race in the Gulf Region
The security situation in the Gulf region is deteriorating noticeably and becomes increasingly complicated. Conflict potential and an atmosphere of mistrust between the actors are on the rise because of the controversy around Iran's nuclear program, the political instability of the Iraqi government and the uncertainty over the regional role of the new Iraq. Until now there is no sub-regional framework of cooperation and security that could serve as a forum for dialogue.
6. Widening gaps
The relations between the EU and the Middle East region is dominated by new social and economic disparities: It includes both Europe and Israel with a high rate of GDP, the oil-rich economies in the Gulf and countries that are resource-scarce but rich in population, such as Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Turkey and Iran are positioned in-between these two extremes.
7. The EU as a role model
The EU is a factor to be reckoned with in world politics not only because of its economic strength. Its international significance derives also from the fact that voluntary pooling of sovereignty provides a model that radiates not only to the periphery of Europe but far beyond. For a lot of Arab elites the EU serves as a successful role model for regional integration. Nevertheless, people in the Middle East region are still living with their colonial heritage and feel threatened by a domination of the United States and Europe.
Aims and Strategies
The purpose of the project "Europe and the Middle East" is to outline a new approach for future EU relations with the Middle East and to provide strategic answers to the challenges in its neighbourhood.
Based on thirteen years of networking experience, the main emphasis of the project is to engage key actors from Europe, the US and the Middle East region in thoughtful dialogue. International experts and the project's researchers discuss options and develop strategies for the above-mentioned central challenges. The ideas and findings generated in this process are disseminated to academic and political circles as well as a wide public through workshops and various publication formats and through regular media work.
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