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Strengthening democracy in Tunisia

Recommendations for a transparent, inclusive and accountable political system - C·A·P Aktuell 02/2012

Edmund Ratka, Mathieu Rousselin, Reinhardt Rummel, Thando Sililo (eds.): Strengthening democracy in Tunisia - Recommendations for a transparent, inclusive and accountable political system, C·A·P Aktuell 02/2012


25.06.2012 · E. Ratka, M. Rousselin, R. Rummel, T. Sililo (éd.)

In December 2011 the “Center for Applied Policy Research” (C·A·P) of the University of Munich organized an applied political science seminar entitled “Tunisia, Germany and Europe at the moment of change – process of transition, organisation of the state and Euro-Mediterranean partnership” in Tunis. This interactive seminar served two objectives: studying political and socio-economic questions regarding the transition process in Tunisia and developing the participants’ methodological, analytical, and presentation skills.

The seminar assembled 35 Tunisian students and young researchers from Master and PhD programs in political science, economics, law, journalism, and German studies at several universities (Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales de Tunis, Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiques de Tunis el-Manar, Faculté des Lettres, des Arts et des Humanités de La Manouba, Institut de Presse et de Sciences de l’Information de La Manouba, Institut National du Travail et des Études Sociales).

The participants of the seminar were asked to examine four issues of the democratic transition in Tunisia identified beforehand: the role of citizens, political parties, newspapers and other media and the question of good governance. In fact, if the success of the democratic transition presupposes a swift and efficient solution of the economic and social problems by way of respective public policies, none of these policies can be adopted and implemented without consolidation of the Tunisian political system.

The measures proposed by the Tunisian seminar participants are intended to contribute to the public debate needed to render Tunisia’s new political system more transparent, more inclusive and more accountable. This publication is based on the contributions of the Tunisian participants during the seminar, the results of which have been synthesised in several thematically grouped reports. These reports, written by the seminar participants themselves, where then compiled and aligned by the editors. Thus the final text represents a consensus which does not necessarily reflect the point of view of each and every participant nor does it commit the University of Munich or the participating Tunisian institutions.

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