Youth and Politics in dialogue: Empowerment through the EU
C·A·P Working Paper 01/2017
10.04.2017 · Forschungsgruppe Jugend und Europa
Against the background of upcoming Eurosceptic attitudes, it is a major concern of the EU to promote the interest and participation of young people in European policy. Therefore a more active political participation of the youth of Europe should be achieved with the Structured Dialogue of the European Youth Strategy. Eva Feldmann-Wojtachnia and Barbara Tham analyze in the article "Youth and Politics in Dialogue: Empowerment through the EU", which opportunities the dialogue offers and which conditions ensure its success.
Published in German in the journal “Der Bürger im Staat. Politische Partizipation junger Menschen 4-2016“, edited by the Center for Political Education Baden-Wuerttemberg, pp. 256-262.
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