Dispute between Russia and Ukraine settled? Strategies for the EU to get out of the gas trap
C·A·Perspectives · 1 · 2009
Dispute between Russia and Ukraine settled? Strategies for the EU to get out of the gas trap.
C·A·Perspectives · 1 · 2009
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23.01.2009 · Sebastian Schäffer, Dominik Tolksdorf
The Center for Applied Policy Research (C·A·P) is glad to present a new publication series: C·A·Perspectives. The C·A·P experts pick up current developments and problems in international politics that affect Europe and the European Union. Our aim is to give a short and precise analysis and clear policy recommendations. We thereby address decision-makers in politics and economics and the media.
There will be 8-10 issues per year which can be downloaded from our website www.cap-lmu.de. If you want to be provided with all issues of C·A·Perspectives by email, please send an email to the C·A·Perspectives editors Thomas Bauer, Matthias Chardon and Sarah Seeger at CAPerspectives (at) cap-lmu.de (subject: subscribe CAPerspectives).
Our first issue in 2009: Readers of the headlines that recently made it to Russian newspapers described them with the following play of words: It was either the "sektor Gaza" (the Gaza Strip) or the "sektor bez gaza" (the region without gas). At least the gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine seems to be solved for the moment, after Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko have agreed on a solution on January 18. The event has once again pushed the diversification of energy supply in the European Union to the top of the agenda. However, there is more to be done. The EU should use its influence on the Ukrainian government to help it reduce its own demand of natural gas and assist it at improving its energy infrastructure.
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