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Europe's Next Frontiers

Ein Buch von EU-Kommissar Olli Rehn, Münchner Beiträge zur Europäischen Einigung, Band 14

Olli Rehn: Europe's Next Frontiers, Münchner Beiträge zur europäischen Einigung, Band 14, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2006, ca. 123 S., brosch., EUR 17,90, ISBN 3-8329-2417-5.

Der vierzehnte Band der Münchner Beiträge zur europäischen Einigung von Werner Weidenfeld ist im Nomos Verlag erschienen.

07.10.2006 · Forschungsgruppe Europa

Even a committed European must admit there is something rotten in the Union of Europe today: our utterly defensive attitude to change. Contemporary European discourse is overly dominated by the limits and borders of Europe – as if the whole world were against us. Seldom has this kind of ostrich attitude carried the day. Instead, for centuries, greater economic and intellectual openness has been central to human development. It has been one of Europe's fundamental strenghts since the Age of Enlightenment. Instead of limits and borders,couldn’t we Europeans think in terms of the next frontiers?

Borders are restrictive, limit our minds, constrain actions, and reduce our influence. Frontiers free our minds,stimulate action,and increase our influence.Why don't we take the bull by the horns and tackle the challenges with well-grounded self-confidence?

About the author

Olli Rehn, Photo: European Commission

Dr. Olli Rehn, born in 1962 in Mikkeli, Finland, has been a Member of the European Commission since 2004. He is responsible for Enlargement.

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