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Integration and Identity - Challenges to Europe and Israel

Münchner Beiträge zur Europäischen Einigung, Band 4

Shlomo Avinieri, Werner Weidenfeld (eds.): Integration and Identity - Challenges to Europe and Israel, A Project of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Europa Union Verlag, Bonn 1999, ISBN 3-7713-0582-9, 200 Seiten.

05.12.1999 · Forschungsgruppe Europa

Historical processes that lead to political integration give rise not only to new legal and institutional structures, but also pose far-reaching challenges to people`s consciousness and views about their own identity. Nothing shows this more than the long-running debate in varios European countries as these countries move closer towards economic, monetary and political integration.

But parallel problems are also faced by new, or newly constructed, nation-states, and Israel is on of the countries where these issues are perhaps more dramatically posed than in any other recently established nation. The authors of this publication, young academics from Israel, Western, Central and Eastern Europe, take up these questions and offer different perspectives on them, depending on their individual backgrounds.

This publication is the result of the joint project "European Policy Network at Israeli Universities" initiated by the BErtelsmann Foundation, ther Center for Applied Policy Research and theri Israeli cooperation partner, the Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies at the Hebrew University Jerusalem.

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