C·A·P Home > Publikationen > 2008 > EU-Russia Relations

Double win in EU-Russia Relations –
Roadmap for a new PCA

C·A·Perspectives · 3 · 2008

Mirela Isic, Sebastian Schäffer:
Double win in EU-Russia Relations – Roadmap for a new PCA
C·A·Perspectives · 3 · 2008

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21.11.2008 · Mirela Isic, Sebastian Schäffer

The Center for Applied Policy Research (C·A·P) is glad to present a new publication series: C·A·Perspectives. The C·A·P experts pick up current developments and problems in international politics that affect Europe and the European Union. Our aim is to give a short and precise analysis and clear policy recommendations. We thereby address decision-makers in politics and economics and the media.

There will be 8-10 issues per year which can be downloaded from our website www.cap-lmu.de. If you want to be provided with all issues of C·A·Perspectives by email, please send an email to the C·A·Perspectives editors Thomas Bauer, Matthias Chardon and Sarah Seeger at CAPerspectives (at) cap-lmu.de (subject: subscribe CAPerspectives).

Our third issue: During the EU-Russia summit in Nice on November 14, the European Union and the Russian Federation agreed on several further meetings to discuss the crucial issues of their relationship. The good news is that negotiations between both parties continue after the postponement on part of the EU in course of the Georgia-Russia conflict. The EU as well as Russia should now avail the opportunity to agree on a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) in order to set a new legal framework for their cooperation. It’s time for a roadmap to take the EU-Russia relations to the next level.

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