C·A·P Home > Publikationen > 2008 > Strategic hierarchy in Europe

ESS 2.0 – Establishing strategic hierarchy in Europe

C·A·Perspectives · 1 · 2008

Thomas Bauer, Florian Baumann:
ESS 2.0 – Establishing strategic hierarchy in Europe
C·A·Perspectives · 1 · 2008

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18.09.2008 · Thomas Bauer, Florian Baumann

The Center for Applied Policy Research (C·A·P) is glad to present a new publication series: C·A·Perspectives. The C·A·P experts pick up current developments and problems in international politics that affect Europe and the European Union. Our aim is to give a short and precise analysis and clear policy recommendations. We thereby address decision-makers in politics and economics and the media.

There will be 8-10 issues per year which can be downloaded from our website www.cap-lmu.de. If you want to be provided with all issues of C·A·Perspectives by email, please send an email to the C·A·Perspectives editors Thomas Bauer, Matthias Chardon and Sarah Seeger at CAPerspectives (at) cap-lmu.de (subject: subscribe CAPerspectives).

Our first issue deals with the European Security Strategy of the European Union. The authors, Thomas Bauer and Florian Baumann, argue that the current debate within the European Union concerning the future of the European Security Strategy is misleading. What the EU really needs is a conceptual hierarchy that helps it to develop and implement a strategic culture and identity. This would increase the EU's reliability as a global actor as well as consolidate security dialogues within the Union.

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