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What drives the Transatlantic partners?

C·A·P Policy Analysis · 3 · 2008

Thomas Bauer: What drives the Transatlantic partners? The West needs to redefine its strategic objectives in the age of globalism
C·A·P Policy Analysis · 3 · 2008

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23.07.2008 · Thomas Bauer

Considering the dramatic changes in the geo-strategic environment one can encounter every day, the future development of the transatlantic partnership as one representative of international coalitions in terms of shaping global politics is inevitably a key factor for finding answers and solutions to the demanding tasks and challenges we are confronted with in the age of globalism. Sovereignty, mobility, security, prosperity are just a few of a whole variety of different aspects combined with the development of interdependent and interacting political, economic, financial and social networks we have to deal with. The future of transatlantic relations is therefore a major topic for defining and implementing the future role of the European Union in the area of foreign, security and defence policy, which will have substantial consequences concerning the political impact of Europe and the United States on the global level ...

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