Beyond EU Enlargement (Volume 2)
The Agenda of Stabilisation for Southeastern Europe by Wim van Meurs (ed.)
Wim van Meurs (ed.): Beyond EU Enlargement. Volume 2: The Agenda of Stabilisation for Southeastern Europe, Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, Gütersloh 2001, ISBN 3-89204-549-6

26.04.2001 · Bertelsmann Forschungsgruppe Politik
In Southeastern Europe the EU is enhancing its profile as a regional power. The EU takes on responsibility for security and stability in Europe as a whole by means of the Stability Pact as well as the Stabilisation and Association Process. In the implementation, however, strategic and institutional contradictions appear and even new re-gional risks might emerge. The authors have formulated policy recommendations to counteract the identified contradictions and risk potentials.
Lucian Boia (Bucharest)
Martin Brusis (Munich)
Kinga Gál (Flensburg)
Nathan Galer (Washington, D.C.)
Daniela Heimerl (Paris)
Kostas Ifantis (Athens)
Plamen Pantev (Sofia)
Ivanka Pet-kova (Sofia)
Fabian Schmidt (Munich)
Predrag Simic (Belgrade)
Milica Uvalic (Perugia).
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