Beyond EU Enlargement (Volume 1)
The Agenda of Direct Neighbourhood for Eastern Europe by Iris Kempe (ed.)
ISBN 3-89204-548-8

26.04.2001 · Bertelsmann Forschungsgruppe Politik
Russland, die Ukraine, Belarus und Moldova werden künftig unmittelbar an die EU angrenzen. Die EU versucht die Beziehungen zu diesen Staaten auf der Grundlage von Partnerschaft und Kooperation zu gestalten hat, schließt aber eine Beitrittsperspektive aus. Aufgrund anhaltender politischer Instabilität, wirtschaftlicher Krisen und Schwächen der Zivilgesellschaft stellen die künftigen Nachbarstaaten bisher nur unzureichend berücksichtigte Risiken für Sicherheit und Stabilität in Gesamteuropa dar. Gleichzeitig beinhaltet die derzeitige Politik der EU aber auch das Risiko, die künftigen Nachbarstaaten durch den Aufbau neuer Trennlinien von der Stabilitätssicherung in Europa auszuschließen. Der Band beinhaltet detaillierte Analysen sowie Politikempfehlungen zu beiden Risiken.
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova will be direct neighbours of the EU. The EU tries to develop relations with these states on the basis of partnership and co-operation, while denying a perspective of accession. Because of continuous political instability, economic crises and weakness of civil society the future neighbouring countries constitute risks for security and stability for Europe as a whole, which have been underestimated so far. At the same time current EU policy risks excluding the future neighbouring states from the process of European stabilisation by creating new dividing lines. The volume contents detailed analyses as well as policy recommendations on both risks.
Country Reports
Timofei V. Bordachev (Moskau): The Russian Challenge for the European Union: The Direct Neighbourhood and Security Issues
Oleksandr Pavliuk (Kiev): Ukraine and the EU: The Risk of Being Excluded
Anatoly Lebedko, Kirk Mildner (Minsk, Kiev): Belarus and the Process of European Integration
Alla Skvortova (Chisinau): Moldova and the EU: Direct Neighbourhood and Security Issues.
Issue Reports
Eiki Berg, Wim van Meurs (Tartu, Munich): Legacies of the Past, Ethnic and Territorial Conflict Potential
Jacek Cichocki (Warsaw): The Direct Neighbourhood: Border Issues and Visa Regulations. An Eastern Perspective
Barbara Lippert (Bonn): Border Issues and Visa Regulations: Political, Economic, and Social Implications. A Western Perspective
Taras Voznyak (L'viv): Regional Co-operation between the EU and the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. An Eastern Perspective
Douglas Merrill: Regional Co-operation. A Western Perspective
Eva Feldmann, Bartolomiej Sienkiewcz (Munich, Warsaw): Pan European Security in the Framework of the Direct Neighbourhood. An Eastern Perspective
Iris Kempe (Munich): Pan European Security in the Framework of the Direct Neighbourhood, A Western Perspective
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