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Research workshop on the Sinai

Leading Change Across the Mediterranean

17.12.2014 · C·A·P

On December 11, 2014, the Center for Applied Policy Research hosted a roundtable discussion on the Sinai. Ismail Alexandrani, freelance journalist and Egypt-based fellow at the Arab Reform Initiative, gave a talk on the political and socioeconomic developments on the Sinai Peninsula. He developed a very bleak outlook for the region and warned that next to Libya and Syria, the Sinai might turn into the next Middle Eastern hot spot. Prof. Stephan Stetter, holder of the chair for international relations and conflict studies at the University of the German Armed Forces and Dr. René Rieger, chairman and co-founder of MEIA-Research commented on Ismail Alexandrani's presentation and discussed the implication of developments on the Sinai for other regional players. CAP Senior Researcher Michael Bauer chaired the roundtable.

The workshop took place in the context of C·A·P's Leading Change Across the Mediterranean project, an international networking and training programme for young professionals and multipliers from Arab countries and Europe. Ismail Alexandrani and René Rieger are members of the project’s Young Leaders Forum.

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