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New Policy Paper on road safety in Tunisia released

C·A·Perspectices on Tunisia No. 04-2016

22.11.2016 · C·A·P

In order to raise public awareness and argue for urgent reforms and improvement, a new issue of the "C·A·Perspectives on Tunisia" series with a specific focus on road safety has been released. Written by traffic and transportation expert Dr. Mohamed Souleimen Ouannes, the paper analyses the problematic state of affairs in road safety in Tunisia and gives recommendations for actions to be taken by the government, authorities and public stakeholders to limit the growing number of accidents and victims.

La sécurité routière en Tunisie. Comprendre les problèmes pour mieux agir
By Mohamed Souleimen Ouannes (C·A·Perspectices on Tunisia No. 04-2016)

In the "C·A·Perspectives on Tunisia" series, Tunisian experts and activists publish policy papers on various topics and issues of concern in support for reform and modernization of in specific policy fields in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Other publications have been:

Women's rights in Tunisia. The remaining legal inequalities
By Omar Fassatoui, PhD (C·A·Perspectives on Tunisia No. 01-2016)

Prévenir la corruption au niveau local. Comment lutter contre la décentralisation de la corruption?
By Soumaya Hichri (C·A·Perspectives on Tunisia No. 02-2016)

Entrepreneuriat en Tunisie. Recommandations pour relever les défis économiques
By Mohamed Haroun Ouanes (C·A·Perspectives on Tunisia No. 03-2016)

With the program "Policy Advice and Strategy Development", C·A·P in cooperation with the Union des Tunisiens Indépendants pour la Liberté (UTIL), the Arab Institute for Human Rights (AIHR) and the Faculty of Legal, Political, and Social Sciences of Tunis of the University of Carthage annually supports a group of academics, professionals and active members of civil society organizations and political institutions in their ambitions to consolidate and strengthen Tunisia’s democratic transition. As a first step, the participants receive training in the areas of policy advice and strategy formulation. Publishing the policy papers now is one of the main outreach activities.

The program "Policy Advice and Strategy Development" is part of the Bavarian-Tunisian Action Plan 2016-2018 of the government of the Free State of Bavaria and the Ministry for Development, Investment and International Cooperation of the Republic of Tunisia, and is financially supported by the government of the Free State of Bavaria.

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