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Third wave of Chinese PhD students at C·A·P

Collaborative research project of Renmin University of China (Beijing) at the C·A·P

27.08.2007 · Research Group on European Affairs

Huang Xiaofang, Jürgen Turek, Lei Jianfeng

C·A·P's Managing Director Jürgen Turek welcomes two PhD students from Renmin University of China (Beijing) at the Center for Applied Policy Research. Lei Jianfeng is researching on "Multilevel Governance and the Reconstruction of EU's Legitimacy" and Huang Xiaofang is writing his PhD thesis on "The Operating Mechanism of Representation in the European Parliament". They are both staying for three month at C·A·P. Their work contributes to the collaborative research project The Impact of EU Enlargement on European Integration and the Global Political Economy, which the C·A·P jointly runs with the Centre for European Studies at Renmin University. Lei Jianfeng and Huang Xiaofang are third in a series of Chinese students and research fellows coming to C·A·P within the project's framework.

The collaborative research project is supported by the European Commission in the context of the EU-China European Studies Centres Programme.

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