Topics and Projects from the Work of the C·A·P
In its diverse fields of work, the C·A·P applies expertise, research and strategy to current political challenges. The spectrum of issues ranges from concepts for EU reform, through analysis of security questions to models of education for tolerance. The C·A·P concentrates on future-oriented themes that farsighted policymaking must address today. Through the learning and network effects that they produce, these long-term projects produce sustainable effects in both the political arena and public opinion.
European integration represents the main object of research and analysis at the C·A·P. Current projects focus on efficient EU governance, the institutional reform and questions of legitimacy within the EU, as well as Greater Europe and its global responsibilities. Furthermore, the Center analyzes foreign and security policy in Southern and Eastern Europe, conflicts in the Middle East, as well as the EUs global role as a partner for the United States and Asia. Additional research focuses on the attitudes of young people toward European integration.
Within the subject area of Modern Governance, the C·A·Ps project work concentrates on political decision-making processes and reform strategies in Germany. In addition, the Center examines consensus-building and personnel recruitment within political parties.
Javier Solana, the EU's High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, at the Kronberg Talks on the Middle East, 2002.
Research into Transformation Processes represents the third main focus of the Centers academic work. A world-wide network of experts evaluates the progress in 125 transition countries toward the achievement of democratic and market-oriented institutions. An additional project analyzes and compares reform capacities within OECD states.
The C·A·Ps fourth field of research is directed toward Questions of the Global Future. In this area, the Center and its project partners focus primarily on the social consequences of globalization, technological innovation, and demographic shifts.
Dr. Dieter Zetsche (DaimlerChrysler), Rajat K. Gupta (McKinsey), and Dr. Paul Achleitner (Allianz AG) at the constitutive meeting of the Transatlantic Strategy Group, Berlin 2002.
Within the field of Political Culture, researchers examine the challenges facing globalized societies. At a national level, the C·A·P investigates political trends in Germany as well as the relations of Germany with its neighbours.
Finally, as part of its work on Civic Education, the C·A·P develops concepts for the promotion of democracy, tolerance and European spirit. The Centers innovative approaches to this topic include practice-oriented consulting, networking opportunities for opinion shapers and simulations for young people. Finally, the C·A·P formulates strategies for counteracting right-wing extremism in Germany and Europe.
These interrelated topics form the common foundation of projects conducted by the Research Groups at the C·A·P.