Resources for Applied Policy Research

The C·A·P has at its disposal the intellectual, technical and personnel resources necessary to undertake ambitious projects. Together with the long-term experience with its many partners, these resources form the Center’s institutional memory.

Jürgen Turek, C·A·P Fellow, and Prof. Zhaorong Mei, former Ambassador of China to Germany and Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Weidenfeld is the director of the C·A·P. In 2007, the German Association for Political Science (DVPW) elected him to be the most influential political advisor in Germany. More than fourty persons work on the Research Groups' projects. In addition, the Center has an extensive research library, the European Documentation Center and a meeting room, which is suitable for video and online conferences. As part of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, which has been distinguished to be an elite university in Germany, the C·A·P receives important support. The Center has its own editorial staff, allowing it to independently publish the results of its work in strategy papers, studies, anthologies for political education, yearbooks and paper series. Its up-to-date Internet infrastructure allows staff members to coordinate their projects and to present their results online.

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