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NATO Delegation at the C·A·P

A delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Science and Technology Committee visited the C·A·P

13.05.2011 · C·A·P

Headed by chairman Jan Arild Ellingsen a delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Science and Technology Committee met with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Weidenfeld, Michael Bauer and Florian Baumann to discuss about WMD-terrorism and energy issues. The Committee visited the C·A·P as part of a five-day tour of Germany to meet with politicians, security experts and military officials in Berlin, Oberammergau and Munich.

In his introduction Prof. Weidenfeld gave an overview about the methodological approach of applied policy research and the work of the C·A·P. C·A·P Senior Researcher Michael Bauer elaborated on risk perception and risk management with regard to WMD terrorism. Florian Baumann, C·A·P research fellow and lecturer at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute, gave a presentation on energy security and international politics.

Presentation Downloads

Michael Bauer: International security and WMD terrorism

Florian Baumann: Energy and Politics - The Geopolitics of Energy Security

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