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Middle East Projects at the C·A·P

28.09.2012 · C·A·P

The “Arab Spring” led to new social and political dynamics in the Arab World and brought decades of stagnation to an end. The uprisings and the governmental responses in the distinct countries were quite diverse. They underline the political and societal heterogeneity within the region. In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, new political systems are in the making. Meanwhile, Syria's president Bashar al-Assad is using heavy force in order to suppress the political rebellion and to remain in power. Countries such as Saudi-Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Algeria who are rich in natural resources initiated economic concessions and subsidies in order to avoid political uprisings. At the same time, the royal dynasties of Morocco and Jordan implement cautious reforms that, however, only aim at preserving and strengthening their own political power.

The changes taking place in the Arab World offer particularly three starting points for applied policy research:

  1. Build-up and expansion of networks with political, civil-societal, academic and economic institutions and actors within North Africa, Middle East and the Gulf region;

  2. Ideas and consulting-services regarding regional issues, which are based on academic expertise and close co-operation with local partners

  3. Development and implementation of education and training programs for regional participants (students, future leaders, diplomats, journalists)

Within the work practice of C·A·P, all of these sections are closely connected and can be found in a similar way in all of our projects. In cooperation with the Arab Institute for Human Rights and the American University in Cairo and with funding from the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, the C·A·P launched a training and networking project for young executives from Arab transformation- and European countries.

Moreover, the C·A·P succeeded in establishing a network of five Tunisian, as well as several German and Swiss universities which serves as a basis for further research- and study projects. In addition to that, it initiated a series of short-term study programs for Arab students that last for one or two weeks.

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Konferenz zum Thema „Tunesien, Deutschland und der Wandel in der Arabischen Welt“
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