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Political culture in the process of inner unity

Research Group on German Affairs

13.09.2004 · C·A·P

The Germans - a nation of pragmatists. What do they think about themselves? Which image do they have of their state and nation? Which comprehension do they have of politics and culture, of their native country and Europe? Each nation inquires about its self-image in times of radical changes - particularly if great historical changes have occurred. Only few nations get so many answers from their history like the Germans. And only few have to reword their self-image so often.

The study "The Germans - Profile of a Nation" is featured by the awareness that experience in family and work, technology and religion has to be combined with the citizen's awareness of his community. The result is the creation of a comprehensible image of the German identity: the image of a pragmatic nation. The continuity of the study towards a national consciousness of the Germans focusses on the aspects of the inner unity.

Since the German unification the Research Group on German affairs is concentrating on the issue: "What unites the Germans and what separates them?" In one part of the study they carried out narrative in-depth interviews with citizens in the old and new states of the Federal Republic of Germany. The results serve for the qualitative illustration of the systematically evaluated data of the opinion research. This methodical combination makes it possible to filter citizens' individual argument patterns. Thus the process of the inner growing together of the Germans can be continuously analyzed from empirical stocktakings.


Werner Weidenfeld (Hrsg.), Deutschland. Eine Nation - doppelte Geschichte, Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, Köln 1993.

Elke Bruck (zusammen mit Peter Amsler u.a.): Was eint und was trennt die Deutschen? Meinungs- und Stimmungsbilder in der Bevölkerung nach der Vereinigung, Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgruppe Deutschland, Band 4, Mainz 1995.

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