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Historical Landmarks in Border Region Identities

Research Group on German Affairs

13.09.2004 · C·A·P

The end of the Cold War also meant the end of an era lasting more than 50 years, in which the barrier for the population in the Bavarian and Bohemian border regions marked the end of the people's perceptions of their environment as well as of their identities. Since then, the confrontation with the hitherto unknown is inextricably linked with a modification process of border region self-images. Despite all efforts for a better Czech-German understanding the reorientation of identities has been characterized until now rather by rejection than by approximation. Negative stereotypes dominate the Czech-German dialogue in the Bavarian-Bohemian border regions, even on the eve of EU enlargement.

To address the present irritation in the mutual perceptions of Czechs and Germans in the Bavarian and Bohemian border regions, it is necessary to appeal to the historical consciousness, which is part of the regional identities. Its normative cornerstones are the historical landmarks, which are perceived as fixed interpretation patterns of a historical subject, an era or an event. They will be passed on from generation to generation without changes of standards and values people attach to with them. Although these historical landmarks could be described as the core of continuity of the historical consciousness, their importance depends on constantly changing economical, political, cultural and social general conditions. With the change of political and social general conditions, dominating historical landmarks can be suppressed and, on the contrary, repressed historical landmarks can be reactivated.

Based on this theoretical background, the research project shows the historical landmarks in the border region identities, analyzing them with respect to their effects. What is to be described and explained is the influence of the general conditions on the identity as a whole, as well as the reactions to the mutual perceptions, which result from changes in the importance of single historical landmarks for the self-definition of the population. The main focus here are the historical landmarks that are interpreted in a positive way and give evidence for the friendly relationship between Czech and German border regions.
Methodically, the research project is based on evaluations and analyses of the Bavarian-Bohemian border region since 1945, as well as on an interview study planned as a qualitative survey with 90 interviews (15 from each of the three Bavarian regions, 15 from each of the three Bohemian regions).

Cooperation partner of the Czech Republic is the Institute of Sociology at the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (Dr. Václav Houvika). Furthermore, a wider cooperation and communication network including important experts on the Czech-German relationship serves to optimize the research project. Workshops and conferences are meant to contribute to the expert discussions and project results. Besides, the Research Group on German Affairs is in charge of the category "Science" of the "Czech-portal", in order to build up an academic Czech-German network in cooperation with the Brücke/Most foundation.

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