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Aventis Triangle Forum 1999

Conference, September 8-10, 1999 in Schloß Höchst, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

14.09.1999 · Research Group of the Global Future

The Aventis Triangle Forum is a high-level meeting of decision makers, scientists and artists from North America, Asia and Europe to address questions of global change. It is part of the project How We Want to Live Tomorrow which was jointly set up by the Aventis Foundation and the Center for Applied Policy Research.

In 1999, through three structured discussions, the Aventis Triangle Forum addressed our ability to build a common, sustainable future. The results of five Input Task Forces and a discussion paper served as an analytical framework and a starting point for the participants. As a follow-up, we expect to make known priorities and specific measures for governmental and other leaders to take to reach our goals.

Here you find the Online Documentation and more information on the project.

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